Quincke's edema - symptoms and treatment with folk and medical means

Pills against Quincke's edema

Allergic reactions are an integral part of people's lives. It is difficult to say why allergic diseases are so common, but the fact that people at least once in their life encounter a certain form of allergy is undeniable. The topic of conversation will be Quincke's edema, its symptoms and treatment at home.

Quincke's edema is an inflammation of the skin, mainly localized in the lips and around the eyes. This phenomenon is considered the result of an allergic reaction, leading to increased production of histamine in the human body. Excess histamine leads to inflammation of the blood vessels.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Austrian scientist Mendel, describing the signs of angioedema, gave the complex of symptoms the name "Quincke's edema", in honor of a German doctor. In the medical literature, there is another name - "giant urticaria."

4 types of Quincke edema

Doctors, depending on the causes, distinguish several types of Quincke edema.

  1. Allergic. The most common type. It develops in people with food allergies. Appears after eating certain foods, insect bites, using Aspirin and Penicillin. Allergic giant urticaria is not a chronic disease, since you can determine the food that caused the allergy and refuse to eat it yourself.
  2. Medication. It appears due to drugs that cause tumors in the deep layers of the skin. Even if a person stops taking the drug, the symptoms of edema persist for a long time. Typically, the drug type acts as a side effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, proton pump inhibitors.
  3. Idiopathic. Got a name because of the complexity of identifying the causes. According to scientists, the development of edema contributes to infection, stress, alcohol, fear, overheating, anxiety and even tight clothing. Thyroid problems and deficiency folic acid.
  4. Hereditary. An extremely rare type of Quincke's edema. It usually develops in people who have inherited a defective gene. It is characterized by the gradual development of symptoms that appear after puberty. Symptoms are promoted by pregnancy, trauma, infection, and even birth control.

At the beginning of the article, I introduced you to Quincke's edema, listed and described the types and places of its occurrence. The turn came to dwell in more detail on the causes, the main symptoms and, of course, treatment with folk and medication.

Symptoms of Quincke edema in adults and children

Any person can become a victim of angioedema, but allergies are most susceptible to him. In men and older people, Quincke edema develops much less frequently than in children and young women. In infants, the disease is extremely rare.

If Quincke's edema develops on the face, neck, feet and hands, the symptoms are pronounced. It is more difficult if the disease manifests itself on the joints, the lining of the brain and internal organs.

  1. Swelling. Edema is the main external symptom. Signs of swelling appear on the abdomen, chest, genitals, neck, lips, eyelids, nasal mucosa and larynx. There are sensations of tension of the skin. The spread of edema is very high.Without qualified help, it can lead to anaphylactic shock.
  2. Pressure reduction. The allergy that caused the disease can be manifested by a drop in pressure, which is caused by a violation of blood circulation due to edema. The neoplasm compresses blood vessels and slows down the movement of blood. The patient feels pain in the temples and dizziness.
  3. Nausea and vomiting. Pressure surges cause nausea, sometimes vomiting. A common allergy is not accompanied by such symptoms, unlike Quincke's edema.
  4. Heat. Swelling of tissues resembles an inflammatory process. In the affected area, the movement of blood goes out of norm, due to which the temperature rises. If it does not exceed 38 degrees, like with fluuse antipyretics is not necessary.
  5. Blue tongue. It is caused by edema of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and larynx. Impaired blood circulation and oxygen deficiency can lead to turning blue of other parts of the body.
  6. Edema of the meninges. Symptoms characteristic of acute meningitis appear: headache, dizziness, severe nausea, fear of light, convulsions and other neurological disorders.
  7. Genitourinary edema. The clinical picture resembles cystitis attackaccompanied by pain and urinary retention.
  8. Edema of the internal organs. Quincke's edema is accompanied by severe abdominal pain, without a certain localization.
  9. Joint swelling. The disease exhibits limited mobility and swollen joints. At this point, inflammatory processes do not occur in the joints.
Quincke's edema symptoms and photos

Usually people are faced with swelling of the face and mucous membranes. Quincke edema carries a potential danger to a person’s life and, if symptoms occur, you should immediately seek help.

Causes of Quincke's edema

Continuing the topic of conversation, I will consider the causes of Quincke's edema in adults and children. During normal functioning of the immune system, histamine is inactive. When ingested and allergen accumulates, neurotransmitters begin to quickly release. The veins expand, the production of gastric juice increases, spasms of smooth muscles appear, and pressure decreases. Let's see which allergens cause giant urticaria.

  • Food. Eggs or products containing them - cutletsbaking, cheesecakes. Cow's milk can also lead to Quincke's edema. It includes lactoglobulin, which causes an allergic reaction. Intolerance often manifests itself after consuming butter or cottage cheese. Sweet soda, alcohol, honey, spices, strawberries can trigger allergies.
  • Chemical and medicinal. Many medications lead to Quincke's edema. Among them: acetylsalicylic acid, insulin and various antibiotics. The method of using the drugs does not matter.
  • Inhalation. The list of allergy triggering factors is represented by plant pollen, poplar fluff, dust, a feather pen, and dry pet food.
  • Contact. Quincke's edema begins after a person comes in contact with an allergic substance. For example: paint and varnish products, cleaning and detergents, cosmetics.
  • Bacterial and fungal. In some people, giant urticaria is caused by Escherichia coli, staphylococci or streptococci. The focus of infection is usually localized in caries-affected teeth or in a cyst with suppuration.

The cause of Quincke's edema may be intestinal parasites that leave toxic waste, hornet bites, bedbugs, mosquitoes, wasps and bees.

For the appearance of Quincke's edema with a hereditary predisposition, the accumulation of allergens is not required. Even their slight exposure causes allergies. The risk group includes people with nervous disorders, diabeteschronic diseases pregnant and women during menopause.

Treatment of Quincke's edema in adults and children

The disease in question is an acute allergic reaction that carries a potential threat to human life, which is manifested by the sudden onset of large-scale edema skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscle mass.

Quincke's edema is usually experienced by people over twenty years old. In older people, it appears much less often. In children, the allergy is hereditary and develops to an impressive size. Often accompanies her hives.

Treatment of edema in children is more complicated, because they cannot give a correct assessment of their well-being. Therefore, parents have to carefully monitor the reaction of the child. How to treat Quincke's edema in adults and children, read below.

Quincke's edema. Treatment of Quincke's edema. Clinic and diagnosis of Quincke edema.

First aid for Quincke's edema

When symptoms of Quincke's edema appear, you should immediately seek help. But the mission does not end there. Prior to arrival, the emergency patient should be given emergency care.

The first aid technique for Quincke's edema is described below. Before proceeding to the action, you need to calm yourself and reassure the patient. Believe me, universal experience will not help.

  1. If an allergen is known, contact should be quickly interrupted. It does not hurt to open the windows, remove tightening clothes from the patient, unfasten collars and belts.
  2. The patient should always be in a sitting or reclining position. In this position, it is easier for him to breathe. A hot foot bath is considered a very effective measure. Pour as hot water into a wide container as the patient can withstand. Periodically pour hot water until the arrival of doctors.
  3. Apply something cool to the edema. You can use a towel dipped in ice water. Instill vasoconstrictor drops in the patient’s nose. The ideal option is Naphthyzin, used with a runny nose.
  4. After the arrival of the ambulance crew, the doctors will administer a decent dose of antihistamines to the patient and take him to the clinic. Refuse hospitalization is not worth it even with a significant improvement.
  5. It is imperative to inform doctors what measures were taken prior to their arrival. If the development of edema is associated with a specific event, also mention this. This information is incredibly important for diagnosis and treatment choice.

Video first aid tips for Quincke's edema

Quincke's edema: what can be done before the ambulance arrives?

I sincerely hope that throughout your life you will not have to use this information in practice. If trouble happens, keep calm and act confidently according to the instructions.

Medical preparations

The treatment of Quincke edema involves the use of medications. Any other methods are inappropriate. It is worth remembering to people who are used to using folk remedies. Their use in allergies is contraindicated.

Drug-based therapy should be carried out quickly. Even a slight delay can lead to serious complications, deep loss of consciousness or death.

  • Antihistamines. Reduce the susceptibility of the body to the allergen. On their list are Suprastin, Tavegil and Diphenhydramine.
  • Hormone injections. Only one shot hormonal drug will reduce swelling and eliminate spasm. For this purpose, Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone or Prednisolone is used.
  • Muscle relaxants. Quite often, when Quincke's edema leads to an attack of asphyxiation. Then the doctors intubate the trachea with a special tube that makes breathing easier. Next, muscle relaxants Ephedrine or Adrenaline are prescribed.
  • Glucocorticoids. Hormonal drugs stop many allergy symptoms and prevent anaphylactic shock. Such drugs are used along with preparations containing sodium and calcium.
  • Diuretics. Ancillary treatment involves the use of diuretics. They relieve swelling, as they accelerate the removal of moisture from the body and normalize blood pressure.The most effective diuretics are Fitolizin and Kanefron.
  • Vitamin Complexes. The use of vitamins is an auxiliary therapy. Vitamins help the exhausted body recover from an allergic reaction. It is customary to strengthen immunity with the help of ascorbic acid and B family vitamins.

I think it’s now clear why you can’t fight with Quincke’s edema by folk methods. If complications arise, it is simply impossible to help the patient at home.

Folk remedies

It is only necessary to treat angioedema edema with medication; self-medication in this serious disease can be harmful.

Clinical manifestations of Quincke's edema are developing rapidly, the use of folk remedies at the time of exacerbation can lead to death. Doctors should deal with the treatment.

Folk remedies are allowed to be used after the attack is removed. They will help prevent relapse. But even in this case, it is necessary to choose and apply a folk remedy after consultation with the doctor.

  1. Herbal harvest. To prepare, combine in equal amounts the fruits of alder and rose hips, immortelle flowers, grass of a string and horsetail, the roots of aralia, dandelion, burdock, elecampane and licorice. Spoon the collection with a glass of boiling water, hold for a couple of 30 minutes, cool, filter, and add boiling water to make 200 ml of liquid. Drink 0.33 glasses three times a day after a meal.
  2. Nettle infusion. To prepare 10 grams of dull nettles, pour 250 ml of water. It is recommended to use three times a day for a third of a tablespoon.
  3. Flask of Ephedra. Two grams of chopped branches of the plant is poured with 250 ml of boiling water. They drink 100 milliliters three times a day, constantly monitoring blood pressure.
  4. Dope tincture. Pour 150 ml of high-quality vodka into a spoon of datura powder, insist for a week and take it three times a day. A single dose should not exceed 15 drops.

In a person prone to allergies, a home-made herbal medicine can cause the development of individual intolerance. Therefore, use of folk remedies must be careful.

In conclusion, I add that people who have won Quincke's edema need to regularly monitor their health and be careful in contact with allergic reaction products.

Video from the program Live Awesome

Quincke's edema. How not to die from allergies

Ideally, you must follow a strict diet, exclude citrus fruits, seafood, chocolate, eggs, nuts, honey and cocoa. In winter, do not eat vegetables, as they contain preservatives that increase the shelf life. It is undesirable to use products containing GMOs and dyes, and use household chemicals with a pungent odor.

The author of the article
Lyubov Ivanova
Do you know how to live a long and happy life? That's right, you need to believe in the good and people! This approach will be the beginning to change yourself and the world around you.
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