47 minutes4090
Lasagna is rightfully considered a symbol of Italian cuisine, where it has the same significance as pizza and pasta.
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5 hours 30 minutes.200268
Cooking knows many methods for preparing pastille: recipes passed down from generation to generation, copyright
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50 minutes100451
Fish is useful at any age. It is rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements. Fish protein is digested
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55 minutes807.7k
A baking sleeve is a convenient and practical way to prepare healthy food in the oven. He allows
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50 minutes60676
Everyone is familiar with the situation when guests suddenly rushing into the house. Many start to panic: in the refrigerator
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37 minutes60774
Potatoes and mushrooms are a tasty and healthy “duet” that almost everyone likes. Cooking options
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15 minutes.60135
French fries - a favorite fast food dish for adults and children that is easily and discreetly eaten
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25 minutes60117
Any housewife seeks to diversify the menu by adding a “twist” to their culinary masterpieces. The only
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1 hour. 40 min1001 to.
Lamb takes the fourth place in calories among meat varieties. Lamb fat is easily absorbed by the stomach
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55 minutes60108
"Fried, boiled, mashed potatoes, fries ...". Remember how many dishes can be prepared from potatoes alone?
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1 hour. 10 min.6073
One of the most popular, tasty and healthy dishes is baked potatoes. Cook with chicken meat
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1 hour. 15 minutes.60124
Cooking in cast iron and pots has Slavic roots. Mistresses cooked food in the recent past
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1 hour. 15 minutes.80140
In fast-food restaurants, along with the traditional "French fries", they offer the option of "rustic style".
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2 hours 40 min100581
It is difficult to find a person who consciously refuses meat that beckons with sight and smell. An exception
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