22 minutes60545
Couscous is a small grain of semolina covered with a layer of flour. It is recognized as the most useful cereal product.
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55 minutes100332
Chicken is an affordable, tasty, nutritious and dietary food product.
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1 hour. 2 minutes.20185
Chicken breast is popular among dietary and healthy food devotees.
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45 minutes40243
You can cook beets in different ways, but it is very important to preserve all the benefits in the vegetable. Roasting -
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1 hour. 35 minutes160150
Pickle can be prepared at home on different broths - fish, meat, vegetarian
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1 hour. 55 minutes2001.2k
Beef broth is a light meat broth used in dietary nutrition, digestive disorders
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3 hours 10 min.16117k
Elk meat - healthy non-fat meat of a dark red color with a large number of veins. It looks like beef.
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2 hours 20 minutes.1501.5k
How to cook chicken stock? It’s easy to make chicken broth correctly and tasty. Need quality
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1 hour. 30 minutes.200634
Cooking chicken only at first glance seems simple. To make the dish delicious
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45 minutes1004.1k
Beef stock is a healthy and aromatic, low-fat base. Great stock for future
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1 hour. 20 minutes.150136
Today's story I will devote to the topic of cooking pea soup with meat, ribs, chicken at home.
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2 hours 40 min200194
I continue to expand the arsenal of recipes collected on the site. Today I will tell you how to cook
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1 hour. 10 min.100138
In this article, I will share secret recipes on how to cook a delicious borsch, so that you get a fragrant
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2 hours 35 minutes160544
You can cook the hodgepodge at home in a pan on the stove, in a slow cooker, in the oven in clay pots.
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40 min4195
In the summer heat, for many, meat okroshka becomes one of their favorite dishes. It’s enough to know the basic rules
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1 hour. 15 minutes.1502.2k
How to cook vegetable broth? To cook a delicious vegetable broth at home, you will need
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55 minutes16093
With just a glass of peas and a little smoked ribs, you can serve the soup until you get bored. But cook
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50 minutes140279
Traditional Russian classic cabbage soup was made from fresh or sour cabbage. They are good because they can
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40 min4099
Every housewife knows that the success of a prepared dish depends not only on the quality of its ingredients
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15 minutes.40255
Oyster mushrooms are the most nutritious and delicious mushrooms. They are universal, suitable for pickling, frying.
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20 minutes.20213
Mushroom dishes belong to the place of honor in Russian traditional cuisine, so in the article I will tell
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25 minutes60117
Sterlet is an elite representative of the sturgeon family. Dishes made from it are
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25 minutes40105
Lent is an important event for the Orthodox. From fasting begins preparations for Easter. This is a period of purification
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20 minutes.502k.
Cancer is an aquatic creature. He lives in fresh or sea water, sometimes adapts to life on earth:
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25 minutes40931
If the decision on the need to lose extra pounds is made, the question for the future slim woman arises
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50 minutes1001.1k
Difficult to find someone who has not heard of kharcho soup. However, not everyone can cook this dish.
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50 minutes40231
It may seem strange, but not every housewife cooks beans. Many do not even know
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50 minutes1001.2k
Chowder - an ancient Slavic dish based on fresh fish. Cooked for a long time, but it is popular
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60 min1606.5k
In the article, we will talk about how to cook soup correctly. Lack of the necessary qualifications leads to
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40 min601000
Hello dear readers! I’ll start with the fact that Brussels sprouts are a very healthy vegetable.
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