How to take folic acid during pregnancy, adults and children

Photo Folic Acid Products

Every creature on the planet needs vitamins. These organic compounds are produced by the body or come with food. Despite the huge role in metabolism, vitamins are characterized by zero calorie content and are not embedded in the structure of body tissues. Science has studied them well enough, but for ordinary people, vitamins are still a mystery. I will answer the question of what is folic acid, why do women and men need it, I will consider how to use it and where it is contained.

What is folic acid?

Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) is a water-soluble vitamin that promotes growth and development of immunity and circulatory system. Vitamins also include produced substances - diglutamates, triglutamates and polyglutamates. Together with folic acid, everyone calls folacin.

The human body does not synthesize folic acid, but receives it with food or through the synthesis of microorganisms living in the intestines. Vitamin B9 is found in large quantities in yeast, green vegetables, and bread. In some countries, bakeries purposefully enrich the grain with folic acid.

Lucy Wills, a famous doctor from England, in 1931 studied methods of treating anemia in girls pregnant. She found that yeast or animal liver extract cures anemia. So, by the end of the 30s, scientists identified folic acid. By 1941, the substance was obtained from spinach, and four years later it was synthesized chemically.

Vitamin B9 is important for the body, and during pregnancy the need for it doubles. Folic acid deficiency leads to anemia disturbances in the nervous system.

How to take folic acid in adults and children

Our body does not produce certain substances, and they have to be replenished with food or medicine. Among such substances is vitamin B9. The question of taking folic acid is of interest to many, because the dosage is determined by age and health. Dosages are indicated per day.


  • The dosage per day for an adult is 0.4 mg. Sex differences are not significant. The exception is pregnant women.
  • With a deficiency of folic acid in men, the dosage reaches 1 mg. A lack of vitamin has a bad effect on the quality of the seed, which is fraught with birth defects in children.
  • Oral contraceptives prevent the full absorption of vitamin B9. Therefore, doctors prescribe contraceptives to girls at a dose of 0.5 mg. With an increased level of estrogen, you can not take vitamin.

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At the initial stage of life, the baby receives folic acid in the required amount with mother's milk. In the future, the need for a developing organism is gradually growing. Only a doctor prescribes the drug to the child.

  • 1-3 years - 0.07 mg.
  • 4-6 years - 0.1 mg.
  • 7-10 years - 0.15 mg.
  • 11-14 years old - 0.2 mg.
  • 15-18 years old - 0.3 mg.

The indicated dosages are suitable for children without individual intolerance or contraindications. Before taking, be sure to consult with a pediatrician.

Elderly people

The standard dose for the elderly is 0.4 mg per day. Folic acid deficiency in the elderly leads to cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. With problems with the digestive system, the doctor increases the dose. With hearing loss, the dose reaches 1 mg per day.

Folic acid during pregnancy and lactation

Vitamin B9 is prescribed from the time of pregnancy planning until the completion of lactation.

Half a month after fertilization, the brain and nervous system begin to form in the embryo. Due to folic acid, cells divide correctly. Deficiency leads to birth defects, including:

  • Cleft lip;
  • Cleft palate;
  • Malfunctions in the mental and mental development of the baby;
  • Hydrocephalus.

If you ignore the recommendations of the gynecologist and do not take the vitamin, the likelihood of premature birth, detachment of the placenta or stillbirth will increase significantly. Scientists have proven that taking vitamin B9 prevents the development of deplorable events.

Weakness, apathy, depression - A consequence of a deficiency of folic acid in the weakened childbirth of the female body. If you do not add it additionally, the quantity will be reduced and the quality of breast milk will deteriorate.

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Folic acid for pregnant women

When carrying a daily dose of 0.4 mg, and when feeding - 0.6 mg. The decision on the dose is made by the gynecologist, guided by the results of the examination. The dosage is increased if:

  1. Epilepsy or diabetes.
  2. The family has congenital diseases.
  3. A woman is forced to take drugs that make acid absorption difficult.
  4. Previously, children with folic acid-dependent diseases were born.

A gynecologist determines the dosage of vitamin during pregnancy. Independent choice of a “convenient” dose is prohibited and fraught with serious consequences. Healthy women are prescribed Pregnavit and Elevit drugs. Girls who require high doses are prescribed Apo-Folik or Folacin.

To find out how many tablets to take per day, it is enough to carefully study the instructions attached to the drug and consult a gynecologist.

What is folic acid for?

Let's look at the role of folic acid in the body, which is involved in the production of red blood cells and the synthesis of iron-containing protein.

Vitamin B9 promotes the production of nucleic acids with hereditary information, renewal, development and growth of cells. He also participates in the formation of appetite and normalizes digestion.

Vitamin B9 helps fight stomach diseases caused by low acidity when the body is unable to cope with poisons, parasites and toxins in the digestive system.


The benefits of folic acid are described in every women's magazine. On the pages of online publications, appointments of doctors during pregnancy are regularly found to maintain health and beauty. There is much less information about men taking vitamin B9.

Why folic acid for men? What role does it play in the development of the male body?

  • Of great importance during puberty. Promotes the development of sexual characteristics of a secondary nature: hair on the face and body, growth, voice formation. It affects the development of the body and the work of the reproductive function of men.
  • Deficiency is bad for sperm synthesis. The number of sperm cells with the wrong set of chromosomes is increasing, which is fraught with hereditary diseases.
  • Folic acid and testosterone normalize the development of male seed.


Migraine, depression, insomnia, weight loss, depression are signs of folic acid deficiency.

Vitamin B9 is involved in tissue regeneration, improves hair structurereduces brittleness strengthens nails, makes the skin fresh and smooth. With a deficiency of the gums, the eyelids and lips turn pale.

Folic acid normalizes hematopoietic processes, strengthens the immune system and positively affects the state of blood vessels. For skin diseases, they are taken to enhance the effect of essential drugs.

Folic acid creates an optimal hormonal background, and:

  1. Reduces the likelihood of developing cancer tumors.
  2. Normalizes the menstrual cycle in adolescent girls.
  3. Delays menopause.
  4. Facilitates the conception of the fetus and helps proper development in the first trimester.
  5. Treats Postpartum Depression.

For children

According to pediatricians, vitamin B9 in the child’s body normalizes the digestive system, avoids problems with the intestines and stomach. The lack of substance leads to malnutrition, improper interaction with drugs and poor penetration of vitamins through the intestines.

Gastroenterologists note that the vitamin helps to create and maintain the work of new cells, prevents dangerous and harmful changes in the body that occur in DNA.

In general, parents from an early age should instill in the child a desire for a healthy life, which includes proper nutrition, visits to children's theaters, regular walks and sports.

Folic acid contraindications

Take vitamin B9 in the form of a medicine in accordance with the advice of a doctor. In small quantities, it is harmless, and an overdose can lead to increased excitability, an upset digestive system, and functional changes in the kidneys.


  1. Allergy.
  2. Intolerance.
  3. Asthma.
  4. Disorders in the work of the kidneys.
  5. Oncological diseases.
  6. Vitamin B12 deficiency.

The use of any vitamins or drugs must be agreed with the doctor, especially during pregnancy.

What products are contained in?

The body is not able to independently cover the need for vitamin B9. Vitamin complexes and the use of its containing products help out.

  • Vegetables. The maximum content is green salad, spinach, parsley, white cabbage and broccoli. A little less in cucumbers, pumpkin, carrots, beets and legumes.
  • Herbs. Included in nettle, mint and dandelion. Contained in birch, linden, raspberry and currant leaves.
  • Fruits. Apricots, bananas and oranges. Juice made from these fruits is a storehouse of folic acid.
  • Nuts and cereals. Peanuts and walnuts. A decent amount in barley groats and bread from low-grade flour.
  • Animal products. Present in salmon and tuna, beef and pork liver, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese and cheese.

For normal functioning of the body, a little vitamin B9 is required and proper nutrition makes up for it in the required amount.

The author of the article
Anton Smekhov
I understand that the quality of someone’s life depends on my knowledge and experience set forth on “paper”. I try to see only good in people, so I offer them only the best!
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