How to clean sewer pipes - the most effective ways


From time to time in each house sewer pipes become blocked. For the system to work, you need to clean it. Some invite plumbing, while others try to eliminate the blockage on their own.

Causes of Clogging

Four main reasons for complete or partial obstruction of pipes.

  1. Incorrect installation.
  2. Inadequate care.
  3. Foreign object.
  4. The resulting growth.

To eliminate the problem at home, a chemical or mechanical method of cleaning will help.

Effective folk remedies

Sink and bar counter

Household chemicals or a plumber specialist call is not affordable for everyone. Available method of cleaning the sewer are improvised means.

Baking soda and vinegar

The method is as follows:

  1. Wipe the hole in the pipe.
  2. Pour inside 2 tbsp. l soda.
  3. Top half a glass of table vinegar with soda.
  4. Quickly close the hole with a stopper, a rag.
  5. Rinse off with hot water under pressure.

If water does not pass after the procedure, repeat again.

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Caustic soda

Needs careful handling. On contact, use a mask and gloves to avoid chemical burns. Caustic soda eliminates plaque, rust and other complex pollution.

The method of application is simple. Pour into the hole in the pipe, leave for several hours, then rinse. Caustic soda is used for preventive purposes.


You can use salt with soda. Half a glass of soda and the same amount of salt are poured into the hole. Top up with 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 8 hours, then rinse with warm water. The method is used for prevention.


To clean the sewers, you can use pills for a hangover - Alka-Seltzer. Throw two tablets into a clogged pipe, pour a glass of vinegar and rinse in a couple of minutes under the pressure of warm water. Even an unpleasant sewer odor will disappear.

Useful advice: To prevent sewage pipes from clogging, plumbers recommend from time to time to turn on a tap with hot water for 5-10 minutes. Thus, grease and dirt will dissolve, not stagnate.

Specialized household chemicals

Wash up


Alkali-based chemistry removes blockages, rust. The method of application is similar to each other. It is sold in the form of powder in sachets that pour into a sewer pipe. Then the alkali is left for a while. After the system is washed with water. Use tight rubber gloves when working.


Granular chemicals for cleaning pipes are also intended for the prevention of blockages and grease. Pour 1-2 tablespoons of granules into the hole and leave for an hour. Then washed with water.

How to get rid of clogging in 1 MINUTE. SUPER MEANS. SHOCK


Popular chemical preparations in the form of a gel effectively remove pollution of any complexity. The most famous: Mr. Muscle, Santri-gel, Mole, Tyreth, Domestos and others.

TIP! Before starting work, make sure the room is ventilated. Use gloves, a mask and glasses.

Mechanical devices

There are times when even reliable chemistry does not eliminate the blockage, then a mechanical cleaning method is used. It can be divided into 2 parts.

  1. Pour boiling water into the hole and act as a plunger. Repeat if necessary.
  2. A laborious method - punching with a cable. The disadvantage is that not every house has a cable of the required length, so you have to call a plumber master.
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Features of cleaning pipes from different materials

  • Plastic. Plastic products have smooth walls, so alkaline products are used against pollution. To remove foreign bodies that have fallen into the sewers (small debris, hair, etc.), acid preparations are suitable. They are not recommended to mix with each other. When plumbing, use protection and ventilate the room.
  • Copper. Copper pipes are quality and durability. They can be cleaned by any means without fear for the consequences. For copper, both the chemical and mechanical methods are suitable.
  • Cast iron. Previously, cast-iron pipes were installed in houses. They are reliable, durable and many still use them. How to clean such a sewer quickly and efficiently? Acidic preparations or cable cleansing are acceptable.

Regardless of the pipe material, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • Regularly prevent blockages. This applies not only to chemistry. It is necessary to periodically open the hot water tap to wash off the accumulated fat, which stagnates and attracts dirt.
  • Correctly select methods and means to eliminate blockages.
  • When working with household chemicals, observe safety precautions.
  • If necessary, call a specialist.

If you are careful about plumbing, regularly clean and avoid blockages, the equipment will last a long time and will not cause trouble.

The author of the article
Anton Smekhov
I understand that the quality of someone’s life depends on my knowledge and experience set forth on “paper”. I try to see only good in people, so I offer them only the best!
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